Sunday, April 3, 2011

Kingswood Art Exhibit

       I was invited to have a "one man show" in the Kingswood Senior Living Community in Kansas City.  I have been to other shows at this center, and I was happy to accept the offer.  The show will be on display until May 10, and I have about 40 paintings on exhibit.  It is always fun to see a large body of my work displayed together.  I like to compare styles and treatment that I have used in recent years.  I also like to exhibit watercolors and oils in the same show, as each medium has such a different approach.
       The theme of this exhibit is focused on the gratitude I feel for the 2 gifts that my retirement has provided to my development as an artist, the gift of time and the gift of travel.  Each title card is a little gift complete with a bow.  On each card I included a short sentence or two to personalize the painting and provide some insight as to what I was thinking at the time I worked on the painting.


       Another gift, not mentioned in the exhibit, is to be able to have my children and grandchildren see my body of work and to be proud of their mom and grandma!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful Judie!
    For so many reasons! Your loved ones can see that inner side of you and be so proud of who you are, and your attitude of gratitude will just bring more of all that you appreciate into your life. I would love to see your exhibit.
