Sunday, May 8, 2011

Watering Holes on the Katy Trail

"Springtime at Sugar Creek"

Day 2 was an event called “Watering holes along the Katy Trail”.  Artists were asked to sign up for one of four locations along the Katy trail that were breweries or wineries.  This divided the artists and provided a variety of locations for the judges.  I chose the Sugar Creek winery and proceeded about 7 miles east of Augusta to the location.  Tuesday was very sunny and windy.  The difference in the colors I saw was striking from the day before.  You don’t realize how much light effects the color of things until you try to imitate it in a painting.  My second day entry, Springtime at Sugar Creek, showed a full range of bright hues from the crimson red maple trees to the budding green leaves on the early vines.  What a feast for the eyes!

Artists gathered at the nearby
 Klondike Park for the judging
The winner by Joshua Bean
of Colorado


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Michele Mary said...
    The winner's piece does not hold a candle to your "Springtime at Sugar Creek". Honestly, I love it. The fence in the foreground with the vines that almost suggest dance movements adds so much.
